Manage your Portfolio


To further support creative expression, we are adding the ability to let users prominently feature a selection of content directly on their profile.  A specific example could be a design or photography portfolio, or for a musician, a new song or album that they wish to promote.

How do I get started?

Go to your Myspace profile and select Portfolio in the Profile Navigation to your left and click Create Portfolio

Within the Edit Screen, you have the option to select one large piece of content and up to 30 smaller ones. Other than that, it’s all up to you and your imagination to determine what should be added. Select from Mixes, Songs, Albums, and Videos. You can even add GIFs.

What can I feature on my Profile?

Myspace allows you to not only feature your own content on your profile but also the content you are connected to. Present a customized gallery of work, share what you love and get noticed.

Photos and Gifs

Choose photos you have uploaded to Myspace and photos that you are connected to. The more photos you have connected to, the more creative options you will have available.  Present your latest portfolio or tell the world more of your story through pictures.


Choose videos you have uploaded or search for videos on the site that you think belong front and center on your profile.


Have a particular mix that you think should be promoted on your profile? Choose from any of your own or connected mixes to share with your audience.


If you have a new track to share with fans, or maybe just search for a few songs that you think goes well with some of your other featured work, this is the place to do it. Remember you can swap them out at any time so it’s up to you.


Are you dropping a new album? Put it front and center for your audience to enjoy.  If you are a music influencer amongst your friends, help them out by sharing your collection of favorites.

What do I do when I am done?

Simply select Finish editing to exit Edit Mode and see you finished portfolio. 


Do I have to use all 31 spaces?

Of course not! It's up to you and what you feel best showcases you and your presence on Myspace. Use all, five, or none of them. We want you to have control over what you look like to the world on Myspace.

How do I change my Portfolio?

At any time you can go back and swap out, or delete the content you are featuring in your portfolio. Select the pencil icon to enter Edit Mode and re-arrange your portfolio. Keep your portfolio fresh and your audience will love you for it.