How Do I Upload Photos?

Add a photo to the stream 

  1. Select the camera icon for posting
  2. Select either File Upload or Camera
  3. Select an image or take a new one with your web cam
  4. click Post


  1. Go to Uploads
  2. Click Upload photo
  3. Select a photo from your computer
  4. Click Post

Any images you add to your stream will appear under Photos on your profile and in your Stream Mix

Multiple Photos

In order to upload multiple images you must create a mix first. 

  1. Go to your Mixes
  2. Select the mix you want to add images to
  3. Click Edit Images
  4. Click on Upload Images or Drag & Drop the image files to the designated gray area

Cover Image

  1. Go to your profile
  2. Hover over your profile image 
  3. Hover over Edit Images
  4. Select Cover Image
  5. Choose from a selection of cover images we offer or Upload your own image by clicking on Upload my own image


  1. Select Edit Profile in the upper-right-hand corner of your profile
  2. Hover over Edit Images
  3. Select Cover Image
  4. Choose from a selection images we offer or Upload your own image by clicking on Upload my own image

The best image size for cover images is 2048x940 with the focal point of the image being the center 1490x940


Photo Requirements (Max size is 20mb)

Cover Images:

  • Best size 2048x1152 (16x9)
  • Minimum 800x600 pixels

Profile Images:

  • Best size 2048x2048
  • Minimum 140x140

Mix Cover Images:

  • Minimum 1024x768

Song/Album Images:

  • Minimum 600x600