Forgot Email

If you forgot the email address you used to sign up with Myspace, you can use your Username to log into the account. You will be required to enter a password. 

If you don't remember your password, try Forgot Password. This will send a password reset email to the email address we have on file for the Username you entered. Check your different email addresses to see if you received an email. Make sure to check the spam folder just in case it wasn't delivered to your inbox.


You can use the search feature to search by email address. If there is a Myspace profile linked to an email address, a profile will appear. 

Please note:

If you do not receive a password reset email for an email address you have access to, please fill out this form. Select Did Not Receive Password Reset Email


For the safety and privacy of our users, we will not release the email address linked to a profile. This information is not public.